Frese in carburo di tungsteno: a cosa servono? Come sono fatte? Come si usano?

Tungsten carbide cutters: what are they for? How are they made? How are they used?

Tommaso Dose
Tungsten carbide cutters , today they are the protagonists in our workshop. For optimum quality and result, we have designed a Tecnista line - our ...
Frese in carburo di tungsteno: a cosa servono? Come sono fatte? Come si usano?

Tungsten carbide cutters: what are they for? How are they made? How are they used?

Tommaso Dose
Tungsten carbide cutters , today they are the protagonists in our workshop. For optimum quality and result, we have designed a Tecnista line - our ...
Come migliorare la saldatura con la pinza di massa?

How to improve welding with the mass clamp?

Alessandro Dose
They are hardly ever taken into consideration and they are rarely talked about, yet they help to answer an essential aspect for a welder: how to i...
Tabella indicazione codice Werkstoff e AWS per bacchette TIG di saldatura

Werkstoff and AWS code indication table for TIG welding rods

Alessandro Dose
Werkstoff literally means "material" ie the identification of a material based on a stamped number. Alternatively, there may be the abbreviation ...
Il filo di saldatura MIG / MAG non scorre bene, si blocca, fa spruzzi: come posso risolvere?

MIG / MAG welding wire does not flow well, freezes, splashes: how can I fix?

Tommaso Dose
You are soldering and the wire does not flow well. The wire welder, perhaps, does not work If it is true that there may be defects in the tools, t...
Come scelgo la lama più adatta per la mia troncatrice a nastro?

How do I choose the most suitable blade for my band saw?

Noemi Formentin
Some often ask us about the various differences between band saw blades and tell us how difficult it is to find the right blade. Many ask for a "u...
Come inserire un Elettrodo in Tungsteno nella torcia TIG?

How to insert a Tungsten Electrode into the TIG torch?

Tommaso Dose
You have to work with a TIG torch but you don't know how to manage the length of the tungsten electrode ? Let's try to make a clear and practical p...
Fai da te: come forare e filettare col trapano e come trasformare l'avvitatore in un trapano

Do it yourself: how to drill and thread with a drill and how to turn the screwdriver into a drill

Alessandro Dose
There are never enough tools in a workshop. You need specific tools for each type of job. Yet many of these tools are more versatile than you thin...
Smerigliatrice assiale: due modelli per la tua officina

Axial grinder: two models for your workshop

Alessandro Dose
What can I do to clean the weld seam? We often hear this question and we want to provide you with some useful ideas to improve the final result of...
Come saldare ferro e acciaio inox o semplicemente acciai eterogenei con un unico elettrodo?

How to weld iron and stainless steel or simply heterogeneous steels with a single electrode?

Alessandro Dose
If you want to weld carbon or low alloy steels (iron) with stainless steels (stainless steel), the AISI 309 and 309Mo electrodes guarantee crack-f...
Saldatrice professionale Esab Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC: tutto quello che c’è da sapere

Esab Rebel EMP 205ic AC / DC professional welding machine: everything you need to know

Tommaso Dose
Multiprocess, professional and inevitable in the workshop. We are talking about the Esab Rebel EMP 205iC welding machine. AC / DC , a machine capab...
Come montare una lancia da saldobrasatura o da riscaldo

How to assemble a brazing or heating lance

Alessandro Dose
The welding sector is truly articulated. The activity requires an accurate knowledge of the tools that are going to be used, both for safety reaso...
Come montare un cannello da taglio?

How to assemble a cutting torch?

Alessandro Dose
Among the most frequently asked questions in the workshop, we find those relating to torches, their correct use and safety devices . Before delvi...
Postura ed ergonomia sul lavoro

Posture and ergonomics at work

Tommaso Dose
Prevention and safety in the workplace are always topical issues, especially when one thinks of jobs in which the body is subjected to a lot of str...