Come saldare con facilità su ferro zincato - Tecnista

How to weld with ease of galvanized iron

Alessandro Dose
Sometimes it is not possible to weld the galvanized iron especially if the galvanizing has been applied "hot". Remove the galvanizing to weld and ...
Come saldare con facilità su ferro zincato - Tecnista

How to weld with ease of galvanized iron

Alessandro Dose
Sometimes it is not possible to weld the galvanized iron especially if the galvanizing has been applied "hot". Remove the galvanizing to weld and ...
Quanto durano le mascherine antipolvere e come scegliere quelle giuste - Tecnista

How long do the dustproof masks and how to choose the right ones

Alessandro Dose
About ... respirators and filters. A question that comes to us frequently: what time does dust-dust masks duration? First of all it is good to poi...
Facciamo chiarezza sulle maschere auto oscuranti per saldatura - Tecnista

Let's clarify on blacking car masks for welding

Alessandro Dose
  How much is a welder mask?In the panorama of the welder electronic masks there is really to be lost. Prices vary from a few euros a few hundred ...
Cos'è il taglio plasma e le caratteristiche dei gas utilizzati - Tecnista

What is plasma cutting and the features of the gases used

Alessandro Dose
The cutting of plasma metals is a procedure that includes the combined action of a gas - very high-speed blown with a nozzle - combined with elect...
Differenze tra cannello da taglio, cannello da saldobrasatura e cannello da riscaldo - Tecnista

Differences between cutting torch, welding torch and heating torch

Alessandro Dose
After the pressure reducers, the valves and the tubes we could not speak of the torches. First it is necessary to distinguish the purpose of the w...
Lavorare in sicurezza con i cannelli per saldatura ossi-acetilenica - Tecnista

Work safely with bone-acetylene welding torches

Alessandro Dose
Two words about the torches. The use of these equipment with high-potential danger gas obliges us to make a couple of considerations that, while n...
Come scegliere il diametro giusto del filo per saldatura MIG/MAG - Tecnista

How to choose the right diameter of the MIG / MAG welding thread

Alessandro Dose
  We are clearly speaking of MIG / MAG welding, also called wire welding. We immediately go to the sodo: how will we choose the right diameter of ...
L'importanza della massa nella saldatrice - Tecnista

The importance of the mass in the welding machine

Alessandro Dose
We all know the mass clamp but few have understood the great importance that takes in a good welding process. We know that the welding is nothing ...
Come impostare la potenza (amperaggio) della saldatrice ad elettrodo - Tecnista

How to set the power (amperage) of the electrode welding machine

Alessandro Dose
It is explained in 2 minutes of reading how to set the power of our electrode welding machine to weld
Come rimuovere ruggine, verniciature e ossidi in un colpo solo: i Dischi 3M Scotch-Brite Clean and Strip - Tecnista

How to remove rust, painting and oxides in one shot: 3M Scotch-Brite Clean and Strip disks

Alessandro Dose
There are increasingly people who come to our store and ask us: "How do I remove rust / paint / welding oxide / squid from the piece of metal?" In...
Ulteriori criteri di scelta dell'elettrodo per la saldatura ad elettrodo (MMA) - Tecnista

Additional criteria for choosing the electrode for electrode welding (MMA)

Alessandro Dose
How do I choose the right coated electrode for the welding work I have to do? If you missed the first part of this article then Click here! High e...
Criteri di scelta dell'elettrodo rivestito per la saldatura ad elettrodo (MMA) - Tecnista

Criteria for choosing the electrode coated for electrode welding (MMA)

Alessandro Dose
We come immediately to the sodo, two are the main elements for choosing the coated electrode: 1) choice of the electrode The choice of the electro...
Differenze di innesco dell'arco nel TIG - Tecnista

Arching trigger differences in tig

Alessandro Dose
When it comes to TIG it is necessary to distinguish the various trigger processes of the arch to which they follow as many types of welding machin...